
Reaching Backward, Projecting Us Forward: My Cousin’s Cousin

Reflections of neon Beothuk pendants, electric colours, and textures coalesce into the dark, marbled concrete floor of Eastern Edge Gallery. The energy of the artwork in My Cousin’s Cousin cannot be contained to just the walls of the gallery—it activates all surfaces. This exhibition highlighting the interrelatedness between all beings was created as part of...

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#callresponse : conversation & action

Artists Christi Belcourt, Maria Hupfield, Ursula Johnson, Tania Willard, and Laakkuluk Williamson-Bathory collaborated and conspired with Isaac Murdoch, Esther Neff & IV Castellanos, Cheryl L’Hirondelle, Meagan Musseau, and Tanya Tagaq to create a series of site-specific works that have continued to evolve as an ongoing project, and result in unique gallery exhibitions and across the country. Engaging with the hashtag #callresponse—perhaps the most ubiquitous symbol of a modern form of conversational structure and organization—viewers are invited to peek into a much larger and more expansive meta-dialogue.

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The myth of home

Jerry Ropson’s powerful exploration of loss

Jerry Ropson’s to kiss a goat between the horns is a memorial to a cultural vernacular and way of life that has already left us—his grandfather's rural Newfoundland culture.

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In This Place: The lasting impact of Nova Scotia’s first exhibition of Black artists’ work

Our research intern revisits a powerful 1990s exhibition and asks why we're not seeing more Black artists in galleries

Why In this Place was a groundbreaking exhibition for Black artists in Nova Scotia

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Holding space with Rachel Beach

Mid Sentence's works come to life in SMU Art Gallery

That these pieces “live” as they do is overwhelmingly apparent in Mid-Sentence; they exist in conversation with each other across distance and time, a living interaction, and they evoke a sense beyond the physically sculptural, beyond image, to live in relation to the viewer.

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From the archives: Susan Wood’s Earth Skins

Editor’s note: This review of Earth Skins at Mount Saint Vincent University Art Gallery (Halifax, NS, August 23 – October 2, 2011) first appeared in the Spring 2012 issue of Visual Arts News. A retrospective publication of Earth Skins can be purchased here. I was the first visitor to wander into to Earth Skins: Three...

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From the Archives: Shary Boyle’s voice in the dark

“When creating Music for Silence I was inspired by the idea of the Universal, the power and insignificance of the individual, and how that relates to the idea of ‘voice." —Shary Boyle

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Q & A: Visual Arts News Featured Fall artist

A maker of stories and collector curious things, Jerry Ropson strings together tiny histories that explore the ties between people, place and identity. We feature Ropson's work in our fall issue of the magazine.

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A Conversation with Eleanor King

Eleanor King is truly an interdisciplinary artist—her work spans from audio installations to drawings and, of course, to her fascination with sculptural stacking. Her artistic practice in its various forms addresses issues of excess, technological obsolescence and environmental degradation.

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