
Chasing Their Shadows

Jaune Evans’ Collecting Fog & peter Cunningham’s Dead Reckoning

I pulled up to the Grand Manan Island Art Gallery on my way to Deep Cove for another swim in the Bay of Fundy. I’ve braved the foot-numbing surf for the past two days, and my legs are itchy from yesterday’s salt. Shutting off the tremulous twang of Wilf Carter on the car’s cassette stereo,...

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Untitled, 2004, Dominion Street.

The Participating Witness

A Conversation with Jaret Belliveau

Moncton-based photographer and filmmaker Jaret Belliveau’s photographic work addresses illness and loss. Arguably, Belliveau is best known for his series Dominion Street (2003-2008), which began as a visual investigation into family dynamics and the hegemonic balances of power that maintain them. However, ten months into the project, Belliveau’s mother was diagnosed with stomach cancer. Soon...

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Artist Graeme Patterson and his multimedia installation The Mountain, 2012.

From Far And Wide

Tracing Oh Canada’s Atlantic Canadian Inspiration

Of the 62 Canadian artists featured in MASS MoCA’s extensive Oh Canada exhibition in North Adams, Massachusetts, several allude to the effect of dislocation and relocation in their artwork. The exhibition is the culmination of five years of research and planning by MASS MoCA curator Denise Markonish, who spent three years travelling to almost every...

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