Art & Labour – Summer 2020
Precarious work, burnout, funding, selling, it’s all about the hustle and the grind in Art & Labour – the Summer 2020 theme of Visual Arts News, because art doesn’t get a summer holiday

Gillian Dykeman, Tire Swing Philosophy,
from the exhibition Human Services Inc. at DNA Artspace, London, On, 2013
Call for Submissions:
Commissioned Artist Pages
Visual Arts News invites all Atlantic Canadian artists to create new works for our upcoming issue of the magazine.
ELIGIBILTY: Open to all Canadian Atlantic Canadian artists. Accepted work will be highlighted as a two page colour spread printed within the magazine for distribution (1000 copies).
FEES: Artists will receive an honorarium of $500. Plus materials costs (up to $500)
SUBMISSIONS must include:
- Short description/sketches of proposed work including how it will be inserted into the magazine
- Budget for materials
- 5 – 10 images of previous work (jpegs or link to a website)
- Artist statement and CV
DEADLINE: Submissions must be received by email to on or before 5:00 pm, on Monday January 20, 2020.
Call for Pitches
We’re looking for pitches, ideas, stories and exhibitions about the intersections of Art and Labour in Atlantic Canada. Review an upcoming exhibition touching on our theme, profile an artist who’s engaged in labour dialogues or who has a great take on how they’ve sustained their art work on the East Coast. Write an essay on the effect of the art market on creative practices, or discuss the different approach artists take in hustle-heavy cities vs. the approach of artists in more rural Atlantic communities.
We’d love to hear from new and seasoned writers, artists, students, and critical thinkers from New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island.
Features (1,000-3,000 words), exhibition reviews (500-750 words) and artist profiles (500-1,500 words) are the most popular stories we accept. Pitches should be submitted by email to along with a brief bio and a writing sample. Please see our website for more information.
Pitches will be accepted until January 15th, 2020. First drafts are due February 25th. The Spring 2020 issue will be published May 17th.
Exhibition Listings
Have an upcoming exhibition in Atlantic Canada or featuring Atlantic Canadian artists? Send us your exhibitions listings!
Listings deadlines for exhibitions on view Jan 23 – April 30, 2020: January 13 to be considered for review in our Summer Art & Labour issue on newsstands May 20, 2020. And to be added to our online exhibition listings.