About us

Visual Arts News is a magazine that explores contemporary art practices in Atlantic Canada, on the unceded and unsurrendered lands of the Beothuk, Mi’kmaq, Wolastoqiyik, Inuit, Innu, and the Southern Inuit of NunatuKavut. Published in Mi’kma’ki, Visual Arts News is a community-driven publication that seeks to enliven culture and keep record while supporting and celebrating the many overlapping communities in the Atlantic region, particularly those that have been historically ignored. We prioritize work that pushes back against white supremacy and colonialism because we are committed to supporting anti-oppression, anti-racism, Indigenous sovereignty, Black liberation, and sexual and gender diversity. We strive to be accessible, accountable, and responsive. Visual Arts News is an ongoing conversation inspired by the artistic vision of emerging and established artists and writers who are pushing the boundaries of art and culture in Atlantic Canada.

Contact us

Visual Arts News
1113 Marginal Road
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 4P7

Advertising Sales Therese Cruz

Editorial Committee
Andrea Ritchie, Publisher: publisher@visualarts.ns.ca
Shannon Webb-Campbell, Editor:  editor@visualarts.ns.ca
Bob Williams, Art Director

Committee members: Amy Ash, Kathleen Buckley, Julian Covey, Mark Cruz, Valerie Frappier & Jane Wark.

Writers’ Guidelines

Upcoming Issue – Volume 47, Number 2  Fall/Winter 2025

Pitch deadline: April 7, 2025
Draft deadline: May 15, 2025
Release date: September 15, 2025

Features (1,000 – 3,000 words), exhibition reviews (500 – 750 words), and artist profiles (500 – 1,500 words) are the most popular stories we accept. If you are a new contributor, please include a brief bio and a writing sample along with your proposal.

Please submit pitches using this form.

Please include in your pitch: (200 – 300 words) What you want to cover and why it would be of interest to Visual Arts News, your angle, and the format (review, profile, interview, feature). Include links to the artist’s website, the gallery website, and pertinent exhibition info (dates, location, curator, images etc.).

Interested in contributing to Visual Arts News? Let us know!

We are always seeking new contributors to Visual Arts News. Whether you’ve written for us before, or you’re new to pitching, we’d love to hear from you. Please visit us here and tell us a little about yourself.

All editorial decisions are made at the discretion of the Editorial Committee.  If you are also submitting photos, please ensure they are 300dpi and a minimum of four inches wide. To be considered, proposals must be received by the issue’s stipulated deadline noted above.

Writer’s fees are $275 per article, payable upon acceptance from the editor. All texts are submitted on a conditional basis. While the editor will work with authors to clarify their writing, texts are not considered accepted until the editor accepts the final draft.  There is no “kill fee” for a declined text.

Editorial Policy:

The magazine is committed to providing balanced, engaging information about visual arts and artists. Although our focus is Atlantic Canadian art and artists, we also publish stories about national and international art and events that we believe are of interest to our readership. Our Editorial Committee is responsible for content selection, and the Editor assigns writers to each story. Although we are a non-profit organization supported in part by advertising, we recognize the importance of maintaining a clear separation between our independent editorial content and any advertising materials found in the magazine. Visual Arts News cannot guarantee editorial content or placement to advertisers.